Dear Dr. Paul Dhinakaran,
Your prophecy about the 2019 Indian
elections failed miserably. As a fellow Christian, I believe I am well within
my rights to take issue with your prophecy, for you boldly claimed that God was
the source of your prophecy.1 I believe God could not have been
the source of your failed prophecy.
You are a highly esteemed
evangelist. Scores of Christians consider you as a man of God. Even a large
group of my relatives and my Christian friends glorify your image and your
ministry. To them, you are their supreme Pastor and leader.
There are more than 200,000 views
for your prophetic video on YouTube. Tens of thousands have watched your
prophecy and many more may have heard about your prophecy.
Sir, I reiterate that your prophecy regarding the elections in India failed. Neither has
God quietened the present leaders nor has HE established young leaders in
authority. The same leadership will continue ruling India for a second
successive term.
explain why your prophecy failed. You owe it to your ardent followers, and
the Christian community, at large. If you still believe that God spoke through
you, then do enlighten us as to how and why God’s Words were not fulfilled.
have done a great disservice to Historic Christianity. Not that Historic
Christianity will be destroyed, but you have empowered the detractors to mock
the Historic Christian faith. Your failed prophesy has provided the detractors
of Christianity further ammunition to continue their mocking.
have confused many Christians through your prophecies.
Millions of Christians do not know
their Bible. They merely listen to preachers like you. They think your words
are the very words of God.
They may wonder why God erred. These
rather naive Christians could think that God’s plan for India has failed. Some
of them may even think that the finite man has defeated the infinite God’s plan
for India.
They may also think that God has no
control over India. But every sincere student of the Bible knows that God is in
control over everything, India included. Of course, God may allow certain
perplexing developments. But in no way can we come to the conclusion that God is
not in control. The sovereign God rules over everything.
Little do these naïve Christians know
or realize that God, who is the greatest conceivable being, cannot fail. God
cannot err. Whatever the sovereign and supreme God decides will happen, come
what may. But, alas, your failed prophecy has placed a barricade in an honest
disciple’s growth in Christ.
God change HIS mind?
Some of your very ardent followers
may think that God changed HIS mind after speaking with you. But God is good
and HE is just. HE cannot change HIS mind so much so that HE misled you into
deceiving HIS people, and in the process shaming you as well.
the reality is this. God did not speak through you.
Failure on your part to acknowledge
that God did not speak through you is tantamount to cheating your gullible followers.
They believe that God spoke through you.
But God did not speak with you or
through you. You spoke out of your own accord. Period.
As your brother in Christ, my heart
goes out for you and many other false prophets and teachers who are roaming the
earth doing a great deal of disservice to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I
feel for you because the Word of God condemns false teachers/prophets. Here’s
an excerpt from 2 Peter 2:
But there were
also lying prophets among the people then, just as there will be lying
religious teachers among you. They’ll smuggle in destructive divisions, pitting
you against each other—biting the hand of the One who gave them a chance to
have their lives back! They’ve put themselves on a fast downhill slide to
destruction, but not before they recruit a crowd of mixed-up followers who
can’t tell right from wrong.
They give the
way of truth a bad name. They’re only out for themselves. They’ll say anything,
anything, that sounds good to exploit you. They won’t, of course, get by with
it. They’ll come to a bad end, for God has never just stood by and let that
kind of thing go on…
God is
especially incensed against these “teachers” who live by lust, addicted to a
filthy existence. They despise interference from true authority, preferring to
indulge in self-rule. Insolent egotists, they don’t hesitate to speak evil against
the most splendid of creatures. Even angels, their superiors in every way,
wouldn’t think of throwing their weight around like that, trying to slander
others before God.
These people
are nothing but brute beasts, born in the wild, predators on the prowl. In the
very act of bringing down others with their ignorant blasphemies, they
themselves will be brought down, losers in the end. Their evil will boomerang
on them. They’re so despicable and addicted to pleasure that they indulge in
wild parties, carousing in broad daylight. They’re obsessed with adultery,
compulsive in sin, seducing every vulnerable soul they come upon. Their
specialty is greed, and they’re experts at it. Dead souls!...
There’s nothing
to these people—they’re dried-up fountains, storm-scattered clouds, headed for
a black hole in hell. They are loudmouths, full of hot air, but still they’re
dangerous. Men and women who have recently escaped from a deviant life are most
susceptible to their brand of seduction. They promise these newcomers freedom,
but they themselves are slaves of corruption, for if they’re addicted to
corruption—and they are—they’re enslaved.
If they’ve
escaped from the slum of sin by experiencing our Master and Savior, Jesus
Christ, and then slid back into that same old life again, they’re worse than if
they had never left. Better not to have started out on the straight road to God
than to start out and then turn back, repudiating the experience and the holy
command. They prove the point of the proverbs, “A dog goes back to its own
vomit” and “A scrubbed-up pig heads for the mud.” (2 Peter 2: 1-3, 10-14,
17-22; MSG)
There are a few Christian friends who
are distraught over your failed prophecy. I pray that every Christian and every honest seeker who’s
caught in the crossfire of your failed prophesy, the actual election results,
and the mocking of the detractors of Historic Christianity would continue to
seek the face, the presence and the blessings of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I do hope and pray that you would do
what is good for the sake of the Christian community. I most certainly pray
that your ministry would be pleasing and acceptable to the King of Kings and
the Lord of Lords.
Rajkumar Richard
refer your prophecy conveyed through a YouTube video entitled “Prophecy 2019 |
God's Plan For India | Year of Deliverance | Dr. Paul Dhinakaran.” (
Website last
accessed on 24th May 2019.
The Almighty is above everything on this Earth, preacher's are God's instrument do not worship them but always the Mighty One. Do not be misled the Word must come to pass.
It is not false prophecy, it was in the will of God, we have not prayed that particular party/person should not be in ruling party. It is immature thinking.God's word never fail. God's prophecy will not fail, we have to wait upon The Lord.रोमियो 13:1 हर एक व्यक्ति प्रधान अधिकारियों के आधीन रहे; क्योंकि कोई अधिकार ऐसा नहीं, जो परमेश्वर की ओर स न हो; और जो अधिकार हैं, वे परमेश्वर के ठहराए हुए हैं। Romans 13:1
Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. to wait upon The Lord. Amen
This is not the way to write public letter, it showing you are not a believerof living God, as a christian you ask God why God you don't fulfil it? God will answer you if you are Disciple of Jesus have not right to put in shame anyone in publically... ....just meet Dhinakaran and ask personally..he will give you answer.
If you r not christian no problem...but as a christian don't judge know it very well dear brother...
Atleast now... Open your eyes and hearts towards christ.
Not on false prophets
Your statement is utterly wrong
Open your eyes and hearts to christ rather false preachers
Was prayer a requisite for fulfillment of Paul Dinakaran's prophesy?
I agree with Raj Richard.You has a preacher should preach about Jesus Christ n the true Gospel, about sin and not entre politics by giving prophecy.
God bless you bro Richard for bringing in the forefront the misguiding errors of the so called Christian ministers like Paul Dhinakaran.
To the ones who have commented that 'it is possible for God's word to fail and we need to wait upon His timing (this prophecy was for the 2019 elections, do you still think the ruling govt. will change after the election results have been announced??)...I pray that you examine what you are commenting as it is utterly foolish.
As for me, I worship the true living invincible God of the Bible who never fails. His Word is revealed in the Bible and no one has the authority to add to it by calling it God's word/prophecy.
To all Paul Dhinakaran followers- please open your Bibles and read it prayerfully instead of blindly following carnal men. You shall then know the truth, and the truth shall set you free!
I agree with Raj Richard, his letter is to the point and polite. We need to condemn false prophets who wish to build their own Kingdoms and not the KINGDOM OF GOD. James Kella
Please don't be an ignorant Christian. We are called to use our minds. Please don't encourage false prophecies
I agree prayer was a requisite to manifest a prophesy and without enough prayer support prophesy cannot be fulfilled.
“Noah’s message from the steps going up to the Ark was not “Something good is going to happen to you!”
Amos was not confronted by the high priest of Israel for proclaiming, “Confession is possession!”
Jeremiah was not put into the pit for preaching, “I’m O.K., you’re O.K.”
Daniel was not put into the lion’s den for telling people, “Possibility thinking will move mountains!”
John the Baptist was not forced to preach in the wilderness and eventually beheaded because he preached, “Smile, God loves you!”
The two prophets of the tribulation will not be killed for preaching, “God is in his heaven and all is right with the world!”
The message of the true God-sent missionary will be like the message of Noah – “Repent from your sins, for judgment is coming!”
It will be like that of Jonah – “Repent from your sins, for judgment is coming!”
It will be like that of John the Baptist – “Repent from your sins, for judgment is coming!”
The message of the true God-sent missionary will resemble none of the fluff found in many of today’s pulpits, but will be hard-hitting and will point out the truth that the gospel message is trans-cultural!
The message of the true God-sent missionary will not seek to provide health, wealth or prosperity. It will not provide for the stomachs or well-being of the heathen with no concern for their eternal destiny!”
PD, made a empire making many christins fools by false prophising, our Lord Jesus hadn't a place to live in earth and he necen established any organisation here but only He shed His life to all men, here PD/JC raising the fund for lavish life , eg go in YT and watch his son wedding .. still satan dancing through immature believers, my suggestion to all ordinary and called believers kindly read Bible daily and understand the true Christian life, pray to God for guidance, few of false servants are bajinder Singh ,Ankur Narula, Khojewal Punjab are the hero of some people's , these all people not chosen by God , just called one to misleading the innocent ,
Can someone share the link to the prophecy. Thank you.
Prophet Baljinder singh prophesied correctly that Modi will be next prime minister. What do you say about that?
Romans 13:1 is a misquotation. Rather you should check Deuteronomy Jeremiah Ezekiel these books have a bad news for Paul Dhinakaran. He should repent of his false prophesies and turn from it to Christ for the forgiveness.
That just falls out flat. There is no evidence in the Bible that Prophets prophesies and the fulfillment of them was dependent on the prayers of people. In other words you are blaming people for not praying for the fulfillment of Dhinakarans prophesy? That's shifting the blame.
I fully agree with Brother Raj Richard, he has meticulously shown the falseness of Dhinakarans prophesies and that too with much grace.
I agree with Raj Richards completely
Guess what, he's not the only one who prophecied this, so did Mohan C Lazarus, Paul Thangaiah, D Mohan and the list is endless. Rest of prophets didn't reveal details like Paul D did that's why he's in more trouble than others. Others did say there will be change in the centre this elections. I don't think all of them are false prophets but however I seriously believe God allowed this happen for some reason. Just couldn't figure out why.
Are you saying that God will fail if men don't pray? Is not God almighty and powerful? Is he dependent on men to gain power?
You mean when God through prophets prophesied that he would remove Israel from their land if disobeyed, which exactly happened. Did men pray that Israel should disobey so God's prophecy should come to fulfillment?
Mr Raj Richard has posted his musings very politely. The prophesy video link is "". Mr Paul Dhinakaran had made a public prophesy and therefore owes a public explanation. He had claimed direct communication with the Lord and emphatically stated that he was speaking under the authority of the Lord. Had the events turned out as he had predicted, he would have claimed full credit for it. It's been proven yet again that his predictions are nothing more than an informed guess - just like ordinary person's. His extraordinary powers lie in selling hope through prayers in exchange for donations. That's his business.
Dear Richard,
I will be glad if you write another open letter to the Christians who follow these prophets.
Why don't they test every prophesies and weigh it as the Bible commands.
If they had done so they would have found who is the source behind these prophesies.
There was Mohan C Lazarus claiming a similar prophecy with a saving clause, if you pray fervently God will make it to pass.
There was Blessing Stanley (Not to be confused with R.Stanley) who said Modi will return to power, though it seems to be genuine considering the results sadly it was not so because
1. In the original prophesy on the New year 2019 video it was not there.
2. He prophesied that Modi will form Government with Much difficulty, which is not true.
The lesson for the gullible Christians is never despise prophesies and always test prophesies.
Never expect repentance or remorse from a self proclaimed prophet because they will never regret their folly.
When Augustine Jebakumar prophesied that Egypt and Israel will go to war and it never happened till date, many expected him to explain himself which he never did
Dear friends,
Ecclesiastes 3:1 says 'To everything(including Prophecy) there is a time to be fulfilled'.
Our times are not GOD'S TIME.
The mentioned christian Preacher did not say that the Prophecy would be fulfilled when the election results are out; but during the year 2019. Please let us not hastily judge any servant of God prematurely for things not happening in out expected and assumed time. God's ways are mysterious and paradoxical to human thoughts and imaginations. Our ways are infinitely foolish in His sight. We are just dust before the Lord Almighty.
Please don't judge any servant of God. Who gave me authority to Judge any servant of God? Is that not the God Almighty who alone judges everyone? Friends, please don't publicly judge and crucify any servant of God. Let us not take the role of God Almighty. Otherwise it might have eternal consequences. Let's patiently wait for HIS time and if things proved otherwise by end of 2019, please convey your message to the servant of God directly.
God bless you.
I never Willfully joined myself or my kids into Jesus calls membership. But my parents forced to join.
Brothers and sisters in Christ, please have patience, if the lord has revealed this then it will come to pass. The new government has not sworn in yet and even if they did the no confidence motion is yet to come. Please pray about it. It is easy for us to point fingers at others. Have faith in God.
As someone rightly mentioned, you should've asked directly instead of mentioning in youtube as we are making a mockery of our own religion. As I attended his service, he also mentioned that he prayed for the new PM and told him not to show any differences and treat all religions equally. Then I clearly understood that he was talking about Narendra Modi. Anyways Daniel :4:17 says that it is God who sets up people in authority. Let's be vigilant and cry out to the Most High God to deliver us from this dark and evil world as we are in the last days of Grace Period. All our families should be saved along with our children, the rule of antichrist is going to come very soon on the earth. Instead of mocking each other, let's bow our heads in prayer to the Maker of the Universe.
In response to //It is not false prophecy, it was in the will of God, we have not prayed that particular party/person should not be in ruling party. It is immature thinking.God's word never fail. God's prophecy will not fail, we have to wait upon The Lord.//
My first question to you is, how do you know that it is not a false prophecy and how are you sure that it is/was in the will of God?
My second question to you is, are you saying that if we pray that a particular person should not rule the country, he/she would not rule the country?
Then again, there may be two genuine Christians who like different politicians contesting for the same election. These two Christians pray that their person should win. So, in your opinion, who will win?
Responding to: //This is not the way to write public letter, it showing you are not a believerof living God, as a christian you ask God why God you don't fulfil it? God will answer you if you are Disciple of Jesus have not right to put in shame anyone in publically... ....just meet Dhinakaran and ask personally..he will give you answer.
If you r not christian no problem...but as a christian don't judge know it very well dear brother...//
1. Being a believer in God is predicated on my belief in God.
2. It is rather naive of you to say that God will surely answer the prayer of every disciple of Jesus Christ. Please read the testimonies of many Christians, who have prayed, but not received an answer from God. Significantly, it is so wrong to say that if God does not answer a prayer then the person who prayed is to be faulted.
3. Bro. Dhinakaran made a public assertion/prophecy about a public event. Hence, there is nothing wrong in responding to this public prophecy in public.
4. You are again wrong in saying that Christians are not to judge anyone. I have written on this subject earlier, please read this....
Responding to: //Can someone share the link to the prophecy. Thank you.//
The link is in the endnotes of the blog. (
Responding to Premkumar Samuel:
I agree with you that Christians should not blindly believe in every prophecy. Thank you for providing more information about the other prophecies.
Responding to:
//Dear friends,
Ecclesiastes 3:1 says 'To everything(including Prophecy) there is a time to be fulfilled'.
Our times are not GOD'S TIME.
The mentioned christian Preacher did not say that the Prophecy would be fulfilled when the election results are out; but during the year 2019. Please let us not hastily judge any servant of God prematurely for things not happening in out expected and assumed time. God's ways are mysterious and paradoxical to human thoughts and imaginations. Our ways are infinitely foolish in His sight. We are just dust before the Lord Almighty.
Please don't judge any servant of God. Who gave me authority to Judge any servant of God? Is that not the God Almighty who alone judges everyone? Friends, please don't publicly judge and crucify any servant of God. Let us not take the role of God Almighty. Otherwise it might have eternal consequences. Let's patiently wait for HIS time and if things proved otherwise by end of 2019, please convey your message to the servant of God directly.
God bless you.//
Let alone the time, the prophecy in this context does not even mention the names of the concerned people. The prophet provides adequate clues for the listeners to make sense of his prophecy. Similarly, the timeline of the prophecy, even though not mentioned specifically, alludes to the announcement of the results.
To be fair to your thought, we can even wait for 2019 to pass to verify whether this prophecy comes to pass or not. But someone else, like you, could say, why not wait for 2 years (until 2020) to see if this prophecy is true or not. So where does this end?
Reg. judging people: Please read what I have written in
Finally, Bro. Dhinakaran made a public assertion/prophecy about a public event. Hence, there is nothing wrong in responding to this public prophecy in public.
To those who think that I erred in making a public statement that has mocked Christianity, I say this:
1. The prophecy in itself has mocked Christianity. Hence, I had to respond.
2. My public letter does not devalue Christianity, it merely takes issue with the prophecy and the prophet.
3. My ministry focusses on the young minds, who ask very difficult questions about Christianity and Christians. They need to be genuinely answered. One question they ask is about this prophecy. So, I, through this public letter, answered their question.
4. I have written another blog about this prophecy, which I published before the announcement of the election results. Please read that as well...
Thank you all for your comments critiquing and appreciating me. May God bless one and all.
I agree with you Raj. It was much needed. I ask a question to Dinakaran:
What is the purpose of his prophecy?
Well said 🙌
Pls see what Bible says about this kind of matter... Deuteronomy 13: 1 to 5.... Its L-rd God's word... This is end times.. Praise Ye'shua Ha'Mushihaq
Dear Brother Raj Richards.
I am Ganesh, from Bangalore .
I have learnt that while STUDYING The Word ( Not Reading or Listening on Sundays ) it's imperative that one has to prepare , seeking the help of the Holy Spirit to reveal 'The Author Intended Meaning'. Lest you may interpret as pleasing to your ears and mind.
Please study the History of King Saul - his carnation and his life thereafter and also of the demands & suport stiff necked people.
Kindly reproduce, for my learning, one single sentence that has been made in the Prophecy by Dr Paul Dinakaran, which is biased against any Individual or Political party.
First-time MPs
A whopping 300 out of the 542 MPs have been elected to the Lower House of the "First time"
The youngest MP to be elected this time is 25-year-old Chandrani Murmu. Murmu, a tribal woman, won the Keonjhar Lok Sabha seat in Odisha. She represents the Biju Janata Dal (BJD).
In fact, at the age of 25 years and 11 months, the engineering graduate has become the youngest MP.
I am lead to believe that you are a knowledge person and are God loving;
but your comments and queries seems misguided.
Guidence different from Guide.
Seek The Lord Jesus as your guide and HE will reveal the Truth.
A person can hit the Headlines by being Famous ( Dr. Abdul Kalam ) or by being Notorious ( Veerappan ).
It's your prerogative .
My sincere Prayers to HIM to reveal his Thoughts and Ways to you; use you mightily in building HIS KINGDOM.
God Bless.
Ganesh M.
God didn't entrust us to judge others..if Brother Dr. Paul Dinakaran is using false prophecy then its Gods judgement and more over many new MPs are elected this time..
Well said Mr.Ganesh
I believe, that the prophecy of a prophet shall surely come to pass. It's too early to pass judgements...
Bro. Ganesh,
Thank you for posting your thoughts.
You said, //I have learnt that while STUDYING The Word ( Not Reading or Listening on Sundays ) it's imperative that one has to prepare , seeking the help of the Holy Spirit to reveal 'The Author Intended Meaning'. Lest you may interpret as pleasing to your ears and mind.//
I have tried to be as objective as possible while interpreting Bro. PD's prophecy. You are now taking this to a subjective realm. I'll explain the difficulty in resolving the dilemma existing in subjective interpretation:
You can say that the Holy Spirit enabled you to correctly interpret Bro. PD's prophecy (as you have tried to do here) and stake a claim that your interpretation is correct.
To this, I can respond that I too have heard the Holy Spirit and that my interpretation of this prophecy is correct.
So based on your hermeneutucal recommendation, we will go nowhere in discussing this. Because your recommendation leads us to a stalemate.
Why don't we embark on this exercise? Why don't you interpret PD's prophecy in detail for me? I have already interpreted his prophecy here...
Looking forward to hearing from you...thanks much...
Would be obliged if you could
kindly reproduce to me a sentence that was mentioned about an Individual or A Political Party..Thanks
Bro. Ganesh, I hope you read my previous blog wherein I have tried to interpret the prophecy to the best of my abilities. Therein I rest my case. The ball's in your court now.
Every sane listener of that prophecy is cognizant of the intended-ambiguity loaded in that prophecy, which causally is a potential hermeneutical can-of-worms.
Thank you
Willing to learn more;
Can you please share the highlights of the Carnation of King Saul and the his life thereafter... Thanks
Bro. Ganesh, I am presently loaded with studying and dealing with other theological themes. So when I find the time, I will try to fulfill your request. Thank you for your patience. Blessings.
Dear Bro.Richards.
Multi tasking is difficult, I understand.
May The Lord Equip and Empower you to remain focused on your Theological Studies and fill you with HIS Wisdom to enable you Excel in that (without any distractions and / or diversions.)
With eyes of Faith , sooner than later, I see an Apostle in you. ( No Flattery or Sarcasm intended ).
God bless your endeavour.
Ganesh. M
What else has he prophecied in likemannér?
Can you give me the link to blessing Stanley where he prophesied that modi will form government with much difficulty. I watched the other yt. Where he says bjp will return to power.
Sadhu sundar selvaraj said in 2014 , he was taken to heavens and there he met Jesus. At that time Jeremiah was there in Heaven. Jesus asked Jeremiah to explain about 70 years as in Daniel. Then Jeremiah explained to him about 70 years. He said to him Jerusalem will be divided. East Jerusalem will be given to Palestinians. Then he came back to earth. Based on Prophet Jeremiah's explanation sadhu prophesied that Jerusalem will be divided on 23 September 2017. Now it is 2019 Jerusalem is still the undivided capital of Israel and Jerusalem did not divide. Most of you would have listened this prophesy in YouTube and also in Angel TV. Now he has deleted the YouTube video explaining 70 years and the division of Jerusalem. This clearly shows that he is a false Prophet. Don't believe him. Jerusalem is the eternal capital of Israel. No body can touch Jerusalem . Until the 2nd coming of Jesus, Jerusalem will be the eternal capital of Israel. God bless you all.
Dear brother Richard,
There are many false Prophets are like this. To bring to light I have given a public comment here about Sadhu sundar selvaraj. Thank you Brother Richard.
J.Daniel Chandrasekar.
Believer in God or believer in Dinakaran? You should understand the difference.
Prophets may go wrong in their hurry to gain attention of people to themselves instead .of drawing attention to God. Sometimes they fear that, am I not able to get to know God's plan when many other popular preachers are publishing post election scenario. They want to strongly establish their identity as prophets and to become renowned prophets. To stay in the limelight... there are territorial fights...
Bro Richard,
It looks like you are very much disappointed with the present poll results as most of us are.
But it's not right on your part to show your frustration on a man of God.
I wish you understand what is prophesy.
Prophesy is not fortune telling or future foretelling. Prophesy is given under the inspiration of God with the holy Spirit stirring up under the anointing
Prophesy is the desire or will of God given under the unction of the Holy Spirit.
Prophesy can also be given based on the word of God
Prophesy can also be a statement of faith expressed or confessed.
Paul in the epistle to Corinthians writes that prophecies also can fail.
But my point is by your critical comments on your fellow Christian that too a man of honour and dignity who came from a normal middle class family took up the name of Jesus and proved the power in the name of Jesus all over the world.
Which is impossible for any man like you
The present elections are all rigged and manipulated. So we can't take them as genuine.
Arundhati Roy on Modi’s victory:
“The RSS has about 600,000 disciplined, highly trained cadres it can deploy. The others have almost none. This time around the BJP had 20 times more money than all of them put together. Next time that will probably become 50 times more money. And certainly, elections in India are more and more about money, about spectacle, about controlling the mainstream media and social media. Every institution in this country was bent to their will, including the Election Commission and, who knows, perhaps the electronic voting machines. That money bought them tens of thousands of IT experts, data analysts, social media activists who ran thousands of Whatsapp groups with carefully directed propaganda—tailored and tweaked for every section, region, caste, and class, every voting booth in every constituency.
That kind of money can sell anything it decides to sell—in this case a product so toxic, it created an epidemic. Not a single thing of importance, not climate change, not the looming economic crisis, not health, not education was a part of the campaign. Nothing except toxic, medieval stupidity on an epic scale.
How can we treat this as a fair election? It was a race between a Ferrari and a few bicycles—and the media cheered the Ferrari as though they hadn’t noticed anything unusual. And now lathers it with praise while it mocks the bicycles for their poor performance.
So, what are the avenues that remain to challenge this formation? Existing political parties in this particular model of first-past-the-post democracy will not easily be able to take on this formidable, money-filled hate-filled machine. I believe that peoples’ rage will one day break the machine. I’m not talking about a revolution. I’m talking about an outbreak, the re-emergence of non NGO-ized social movements. It will come. And that will create new energy and a new kind of opposition that cannot be managed.
We will have to play a new game—one that has not been fixed like this one has. This election in India, that is being hailed as a great exercise in democracy, is the opposite—just a mockery of what democracy is supposed to be.”
Listen the given prophecy carefully. Yound leaders (not Leader) shall be placed in authority (There are many young leaders in the cabinet) & Yes you should know that many of the known present leaders are quietened.
Let Jesus be always glorified.
I have found on YouTube that there are two prophecies of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran reg.Lok Sabha Election,2019, in one of which (Tamil version) he states that Narendra Modi would be the Prime Minister of India in 2019 and in another (English version) he states that young leaders would be placed in authority and present leaders would be quieted. These are contrary to one another. It is impossible for God to reveal His plan about a nation at a particular time and then changes His mind to reveal something different at another time. God is omniscient, so He knows the past,present and future of every person and every nation on this world. Prophecy of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran which is in English version has not been fulfilled and he has not given an explanation for that. Thousands (if not millions) of christians are attached to Jesus Calls Ministry and they highly respect the messages given by Dr.Paul Dhinakaran and non-fulfilment of the prophecy(English version) has given a blow to them. If Lord Jesus told Dr.Paul Dhinakaran that Narendra Modi would be the Prime Minister of India (Tamil version) and then spoke differently (English version), then non-christians would think that Jesus Christ is not God which will hamper evangelism in India. I would like to suggest Dr. Paul Dhinakaran not to defile the name of Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Deceived and being deceived. Prosperity gospel preaches.
Millions of people get deceived by these prosperity preachers..they don read bible at all..just listening to these people, giving money to them nd then praying for personal gain everyday..tats all..
God does not bless idol worshiping nations. The bible is clear that idol worship curses the land and brings people under a curse. India won't be blessed due to its sins, idol worship and above all its horrific culture of rape and violence. Message of repentance is needed and idol worship renounce if God has to bless India. Sorry if truth hurts.
Duet 18:22: "when a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if the thing does not happen or come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously; you shall not be afraid of him."
Good said my friend
U are not patient dear friend
I dare 2 say that Dr. Paul will be right if not yet.
We have Bible and God, trust in it. Sometimes what is said by the prophets can get delayed. Our answers come from the Lord not from Human.
Oh come on! what more signs do you guys need to understand that Paul D is a false prophet? He is a false prophet and so was his father. If you are a reader of the word, all his preachings shall ring a bell. All these people ever talk about is your prosperity. Bunch of charlatans!!
Amen Raj..all this guy does is preach the health and wealth gospel. I know many working in this ministry who are good honest Christians. There are no more prophets today, and why didn't he publically apologize. In the old testament even if only one out of a hundred prophecies fail, they stone the 'prophet'
All these people who call themselves prophets are fraudsters out to make money out of brainless Christians. Both these fellows are the same.
Good . These fellows also should be stoned
Yes, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, a prominent evangelist and head of Jesus Calls Ministries, reportedly made a prophecy before the 2019 Indian elections, suggesting that the outcome would align with specific divine purposes. However, critics have pointed out that his prophecy did not materialize as expected, leading to debates about the role of prophecy in Christian ministry, especially when it comes to politics.
### New Testament Prophecy and Errors (as per Bill Johnson of Bethel Church)
Bill Johnson, senior leader of Bethel Church in Redding, California, teaches that New Testament prophecy operates differently from Old Testament prophecy. Key aspects include:
1. **Prophecy in Community**:
- New Testament prophecy is considered a gift meant to encourage, edify, and comfort believers (1 Corinthians 14:3).
- It operates within the community of faith, allowing room for discernment and judgment by others (1 Corinthians 14:29).
2. **Imperfection in Delivery**:
- Johnson emphasizes that prophecy under the New Covenant is not infallible because it is mediated through fallible human beings.
- Prophets in the New Testament are not held to the same standard of 100% accuracy as Old Testament prophets, whose words were direct revelations from God. Instead, New Testament prophets may "see in part and prophesy in part" (1 Corinthians 13:9).
3. **Learning Process**:
- Prophecy is considered a skill or gift that grows through practice. Mistakes are seen as part of the learning process rather than an indication of spiritual failure.
4. **Accountability and Correction**:
- Bethel encourages accountability for prophetic words. Prophets should humbly acknowledge errors and seek feedback from trusted leaders to refine their understanding and delivery.
### Application to the 2019 Prophecy
If Dr. Paul Dhinakaran's prophecy was incorrect, it could be understood through the lens of these teachings:
- The prophecy may have been a sincere but imperfect attempt to discern God’s will.
- It highlights the importance of humility, accountability, and discernment in prophetic ministry.
This approach aims to balance the desire to operate in the prophetic gift with the recognition of human limitations.
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