Engage Churches

"Engage Churches" is my initiative to interact with the young minds at the churches.


  1. Young people have questions – about Christianity, Bible-difficulties, life choices etc. 
  2. Those questions need be encouraged, appreciated and answered. 
  3. Questions can be from any topic of their interest and need. 
  4. Answering their questions would empower them to make informed decisions, which would guide their words and actions. 
  5. If their questions are being answered, they begin to study and work efficiently – a product of informed decisions is good choices. Good choices lead to lesser stress, which translates to greater efficiency in private and public life. 


Sample subjects of engagement could be:


  • Knowing God 
  • How to Study the Bible? 
  • Dangers of Postmodern and Liberal theology in Christianity etc.

Moral / Life Choices: How do we decide on…

  • Cigarettes, alcohol, drugs… 
  • Abortion
  • Premarital Sex 
  • Live-in relationships 
  • Homosexuality 
  • Pornography

Bible Difficulties: How do we understand…

  • God ordering the killing of thousands of people in OT?
  • Verses of Bible which seemingly contradict each other?


  • Why is Christianity / Jesus Christ the only way to heaven? 
  • Why or how can I believe in the Bible?  


Engagement through live presentations followed by a question and answer session

Presentations can be…

  • Short (45 mins presentation and 45 minutes Q&A) 
  • Long (half day / full day / more than a day)

If interested in requesting for my presentation, please email me via