The fact that children are determined to be male or female by their biological sex1 is being aggressively challenged by transgender activists. Instead, they argue that our gender has nothing to do with our biological sex.
Nancy Pearcey, hailed in The Economist as America's pre-eminent evangelical Protestant female intellectual, has authored a book Love Thy Body. In the book, she addresses hard questions on transgenderism, homosexuality, abortion etc. Christian apologist, William Lane Craig quotes Nancy Pearcey’s exposition of the transgender ideology, “…the transgender movement expresses the negative view of the body even more clearly and more obviously. Because the transgender narrative itself says your gender has nothing to do with your biological sex. In fact there are trans websites now that are treating biological sex as a hate term, because it reminds people that they are denying their biological sex when they adopt a trans identity. So today, kids down to kindergarten are being taught that their bodies are completely irrelevant to their identity. And that matter does not matter. That all that matters is your personal feelings, your internal sense of self.”2
This transgender movement is here to stay. This is not a transgender moment,3 but it is a definite transgender movement.
Western countries have a strong commitment to the transgender cause. In June 2017, Canada passed Bill C-16 that enshrines the rights of transgender Canadians by including them under human rights and hate-crime laws. In other words, “Canadians who deny gender theory could be charged with hate crimes, fined, jailed, and compelled to undergo anti-bias training.”4
Gender theorists argue that gender is not a biological concept, but a sociological construct. There is no connection between gender and biological sex, they contend. “According…to Judith Butler in Gender Trouble (1990), and most other gender theorists, there is no connection at all between sex and gender (where gender is understood to refer to one’s identity as male or female). Sex “is an analytic attribute of the human; there is no human who is not sexed; sex qualifies the human as a necessary attribute. But sex does not cause gender, and gender cannot be understood to reflect or express sex.” Gender is “always acquired.” In short, a person’s identity as male, female, neither, or both has nothing to do with one’s biological sex…”5
Application of this transgender ideology is very scary.
Jonathon Van Maren’s article in lifesitenews.com enlightens us of this scary predicament:6
To illustrate just how radical the transgender ideology is, consider some advice given to parents at a 2016 conference (attended by over 400) people by Dr. Diane Ehrensaft, who is a developmental psychologist and the author of The Gender Creative Child…
After Ehrensaft’s presentation, one mother stood up to ask how best to “explain gender to a three, for, and five-year-old? My daughter asks a lot of questions about gender expression and identity without knowing what she’s asking, but I don’t quite have the language to talk to her about it…Is that a boy, is that a girl, what does it mean to be a boy, what does it mean to be a girl? Is it because they have a penis? Is it because they have a vagina? And I don’t quite know how to use language to talk about gender…” Dr. Diane Ehrensaft’s answer gives a clear picture of how trans activists wish to impart the ideology of gender fluidity to children:
First of all, in terms of the question is that a boy or is that a girl, I would say we don’t know—we’ll have to ask them. So that would be the start, that only they know for sure. Some people like to be asked and some people don’t. I’d say you know, some people think (because by three you’re learning) that if you have a penis you’re a boy and if you have a vagina or a vulva you’re a girl, but actually it’s not like that. It’s not like that at all. If you’re a boy it’s because your mind is telling you I’m a boy. If you’re a girl it’s because your mind is telling you you’re a girl. Some girls like to wear dresses and some girls like to dress as Darth Vader—that’s a people thing, but there are some people where we live who think one thing is a boy thing and one thing is a girl thing. So there is a teaching moment there. Kids by three know their culture. Remember I said gender socialization starts at two? So we have to sometimes unsocialize those messages with new messages. Then the next thing is: Some people think there is only two genders. But there is lots and lots of genders—it’s just like a rainbow. It has all different colors. And then I’d stop there because that’s almost way too many words already for a three-year-old.
There you have it, in her own words: Children must be “unsocialized” out of antiquated beliefs such as the idea that men have penises and women have vaginas, or that there are only two genders. Instead, children as young as three years old are to be told that you can be whatever you decide to be, regardless of biological reality.
Our children are in danger.
Transgender activists, as this author says, are focused on our children, “Trans activists are especially focused on young people because they rightly feel that indoctrination is more effective at a younger age. The fact is that experts like Ehrensaft are the ones informing new sex-ed curriculum for schools, new governmental policies, and new social responses to the transgender ideology. In her view, her ideology applies even to children under the age of five, including those who are “preverbal.” Most parents are unaware of what activists like Ehrensaft believe and teach, but it is incredibly important for people to be aware of what this ideology constitutes, and to find out whether it has infiltrated the curriculum of your local schools, as well.
Trans activists are waging a war for the hearts and minds of the next generation. Don’t fool yourself: That means your children, too.”7
How should Christians respond to this scary predicament?
Christians, who subscribe to Historic Christianity, will affirm in God’s creation of human beings as either male or female. God assigned gender to children even before they were born, as it was in the case of John and the Lord Jesus (Luke 1:13, 31). If God assigns gender to children even before they’re born, then man does not have an option to rewrite his/her gender after they are born.
You cannot call yourself a Christian if you support/endorse this transgender ideology. William Lane Craig says that the transgender movement is predicated on the notion that God does not exist, “…the best defense for homosexual or transgender lifestyles would be to simply say God does not exist and therefore there are no objective moral values and duties that I'm obliged to respect.” He goes on to say that if we call ourselves Christians, then we have objective duties to fulfill, which also includes a firm belief that our gender is based on our biological sex, “I don't think trying to found them in the body alone is going to suffice. There's got to be something more than the body to ground objective moral values and duties because the body in and of itself is just an animal organism – an electrochemical machine. We need to say that these bodies that we possess are en-souled by human person and therefore designed by God to function in certain ways, and that we have objective prohibitions and obligations to fulfill that God has laid upon us. The worth of the human body and its respect is therefore grounded in theism.”8
1The end result of the development of a person’s genes. The presence of the SRY gene leads to the development of a male (a person with a penis and other biological attributes of the masculine sex). The absence of SRY leads to the development of a female (a person with an ovary and other biological attributes of the female sex. Source: https://kirkcenter.org/reviews/the-absurdity-of-gender-theory/
3The term ‘Transgender moment’ is referenced to Ryan T. Anderson's book When Harry Became Sally, Responding to the Transgender Moment
Websites last accessed on 24th November 2018.
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