There is a common argument that the
Old Testament is reliable because the New Testament affirms the Old Testament.
If this is the case, would Paul’s quote of pagan (non-christian/unbelievers)
philosophers affirm the reliability of the pagan works? Alternatively, would
the inclusion of pagan work in the Bible undermine the reliability of the
Did Paul quote pagan philosophers?
Yes, here’s an excerpt from CARM:1
Paul quoted
Menander in the book of Acts and in 1 Corinthians. He quoted Epimenides in the book of
Titus. Let's take a look.
· Acts 17:28, "for in Him we live and move
and exist, as even some of your own poets have said, ‘For we also are His
o "The first part of verse 28 comes from
Cretica by Epimenides, and the second part of the verse from Hymn to Zeus,
written by the Cilician poet Aratus. To be sure, both of these lines were
directed at Zeus in Greek literature, but Paul applied them to the Creator of
whom he spoke."1
o Paul quoted "the first half of the fifth
line, word for word, of an astronomical poem of Aratus, a Greek countryman of
the apostle, and his predecessor by about three centuries. But, as he hints,
the same sentiment is to be found in other Greek poets. They meant it doubtless
in a pantheistic sense; but the truth which it expresses the apostle turns to
his own purpose—to teach a pure, personal, spiritual Theism."2
· 1 Cor. 15:33, "Do not be deceived: “Bad
company corrupts good morals.'”
o"a current saying, forming a verse in
MENANDER, the comic poet, who probably took it from Euripides [SOCRATES,
Ecclesiastical History, 3.16]."3
o "The words “Bad company ruins good morals”
are found in a play by Menander (4th-3rd century B. C.) but may well have
become a common saying by Paul’s time."4
o "Evil communications corrupt good manners.
An iambic line from the ‘Thais’ of Menander, and perhaps taken by Menander from
a play of Euripides. More accurately it means “evil associations corrupt
excellent morals."5
· Titus 1:12, "One of themselves, a prophet
of their own, said, “Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy
o "Epimenides of Phaestus, or Gnossus, in
Crete, about 600. He was sent for to purify Athens from its pollution
occasioned by Cylon. He was regarded as a diviner and prophet. The words here
are taken probably from his treatise “concerning oracles.” Paul also quotes
from two other heathen writers, ARATUS (Ac 17:28) and MENANDER (1 Co 15:33),
but he does not honor them so far as even to mention their names.6
o "A prophet of their own; viz. Epimenides, a
native either of Phæstus or of Cnossus in Crete, the original author of this
line, which is also quoted by Callimachus. Epimenides is here called a prophet,
not simply as a poet, but from his peculiar character as priest, bard, and
seer; called by Plato θεῖος ἀνήρ and coupled by Cicero with Bacis the Boeotian
prophet, and the sibyl (Bishop Ellicott); described by other ancient writers as
a prophet (Alford)."7
these quotations affirm the reliability of the works of pagan philosophers?
Norman Geisler and Thomas Howe, in
their work The Big Book of Bible
Difficulties respond to this question (p.507-508):2
Christians believe that only the Bible is the Word of God (2 Tim. 3:16). Yet
the Apostle Paul quotes pagan poets on at least three occasions. But in so
doing he seems to give assent to the sources he quotes as inspired, just as
when he quotes OT Scripture as the Word of God (cf. Matt. 4:4, 7, 10).
SOLUTION: Paul is not quoting this non-Christian
source as inspired, but simply as true. All truth is God’s truth, no matter who said it. Caiaphas the
Jewish high priest uttered a truth about Christ (John 11:49). The Bible often
uses non-inspired sources (cf. Num. 21:14; Josh. 10:13; 1 Kings 15:31). Three
times Paul cites non-Christian thinkers (Acts 17:28; 1 Cor. 15:33; Titus 1:12).
Jude alludes to truths found in two non-canonical books (Jude 9, 14). But never
does the Bible cite them as divinely authoritative, but simply as containing
the truth quoted. The usual phrases, such as, “thus saith the Lord” (cf. Isa.
7:7; Jer. 2:5, kjv) or “it is written” (cf. Matt. 4:4, 7, 10) are never found
when these non-inspired sources are cited. Nonetheless, truth is truth wherever
it is found. And there is no reason, therefore, that a biblical author, by
direction of the Holy Spirit, cannot utilize truth from whatever source he may
find it.
Here’s another response from Phillip
J. Long, the Chair / Professor of Biblical Studies at the Grace Christian
Paul quotes
two Greek writers as support for his case that the creator God does not need
temples or temple services from humans. The use of this material has always
prompted discussion among readers of Acts, especially with respect to
application. Is Paul modelling how Christians ought to present the gospel in a
non-Christian, non-Jewish environment?
The first
allusion is to Epimenides the Cretan, the poet Paul cited in Titus 1:12. The
original poem no longer exists, but fragments appear in other ancient writers.
The second citation is from Aratus, a Cilcian poet (Phaenomena 5). The original line, “in him we move and live
and have our being,” was pantheistic, but Paul spins this line into a statement
about God as the source of our life.
In other
words, he ignores the writer’s original intention so that he can effective make
his point. If Aratus had been in the audience in Acts 17, what would he have
said in response to Paul? In modern scholarly writing, misrepresenting another
scholar’s ideas is not just a mistake, but intellectual dishonesty. Someone who
does this sort of thing today would be dismissed as a poor scholar or a crank
(or possibly just a biblio-blogger). In some areas of scholarship, authorial
intent is not important, so perhaps Paul is not out of line here. Can Paul
legitimately pull this line out of context and reapply it to prove the God of
the Bible is superior to the other gods?
A second
problem is how Paul came to know these lines of poetry. There are not many
modern readers who can quote freely from current poets or philosophers. One
possibility is Paul had some secular education which could be applied to the
preaching of the gospel. We might imagine Paul thinking through his task of
being a light to the Gentiles and researching possible points of contact in
order to preach to pagan audiences. This is in fact a typical way of doing
apologetics today. Christians will study philosophy for the purpose of
interacting with the philosophical world in their own terms.
While I do not
think this kind of cultural education is a bad idea at all, that may not be
Paul’s point in using these sources (or, Luke’s point in presenting Paul as
using these sources). These lines may have been well known proverbial wisdom,
common knowledge. If so, then the allusion to Greek poets is more like the
preacher who uses a common phrase in order to make his point.
Or better,
this is an example of a modern pastor quoting lyrics of popular songs to make a
point. I occasionally use a line from a popular movie or song in order to make
a point (although with my taste in music, it usually does not work very
well). This comes down to knowing your
audience. I have found that I can get a
lot further with college age group with a Simpsons reference, while the same
line is lost on an adult group. Perhaps
that is what Paul is doing here in Acts 17 – he is riffing on the culture.
In both of the
allusions Paul simply intends to demonstrate his thinking is not too far from
the culture the audience understood and appreciated. To cite the Hebrew Bible would have been
fruitless since the audience did not know it, nor were they inclined to listen
to philosophy drawn Jewish texts.
Does this mean
Acts 17 gives permission for Pastors to quote Bob Dylan lyrics or use Simpsons
clips in their sermons and Bible studies? Perhaps, but we need to couple
cultural reference with a serious point from the text of the Bible. It is one thing to mimic culture to attract
attention to you point, but it is a fairly worthless strategy is if there is no
point behind the reference. I think that you can (and should) illustrate serious
theological points via cultural artifacts (like poets, books, movies, etc.),
but this can be very dangerous if it overwhelms the Scripture.
If the message
of the Gospel is obscured by the using Fifty Shades of Grey as a sermon title,
or by playing U2 songs during your worship, or hosting a Dancing with the Stars
night at church, then you have missed Paul’s point in Acts 17.
These responses are terse as well as comprehensive. Therefore, quoting
unbelievers would neither affirm their reliability as divinely inspired nor
undermine the reliability of the Bible.
2The same material is also found here:
Websites last
accessed on 29th October 2019.
The Apostle Paul was a Lawyer.
He studied at the school of Gamaliel.
Thank you for the wonderful explanation. These questions were in my mind and haunted me last night hard but now there is a peace.
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