Thursday, December 16, 2021

Could Cryptocurrency Be The Mark Of The Beast And The One-World Currency?

            Cryptocurrency, at this point in time, cannot be construed as the mark of the beast. 

            The mark of the beast will essentially force the bearer to:

            (1) Renounce Christ as the Lord and Savior.

            (2) Worship the Antichrist.

            Since cryptocurrency does not mandate the above, it cannot be the mark of the beast.

            However, could the cryptocurrency be the one-world currency of the end times?


The idea of a one-world currency is vaguely suggested in the Bible. Revelation 13:16–17 says that the Antichrist will require everyone to have the mark of the beast to engage in any financial transactions. It’s unknown what exactly this mark will be, but it’s entirely possible that some kind of cryptocurrency will be involved. That would certainly be more efficient than printing and distributing a standardized physical currency all over the world. It’s possible that the mark of the beast will be what allows people to access the cryptocurrency in their virtual accounts...

The current popularity of bitcoin doesn’t mean that bitcoin will be the Antichrist’s one-world currency. In fact, it probably won’t. Bitcoin is only one of over 1,000 different virtual currencies, including Litecoin, Ethereum, Zcash, Ripple, and Monero. It’s more likely that, if the Antichrist uses a form of cryptocurrency, it will be original and more advanced than anything we have today.

Bitcoin and similar cryptocurrencies could be precursors to the money eventually used in the end times. But this is pure speculation. The Bible doesn’t mention computers, let alone cryptocurrency. Until 1998 cryptocurrency wasn’t even a word, and there’s no saying what new technological and sociological changes will come before the tribulation and the appearance of the Antichrist.



1, last accessed on 16th December 2021. 

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