would be rewarded differently in heaven, “Christians will be offered varying
rewards in heaven (cf. Daniel 12:3; 1 Corinthians 3:14-15). The Bible says all
Christians will stand before the judgment seat of God and each of us will give
an account of himself to God (Romans 14:10,12). Apostle Paul writing to the
church in Corinth tells the Corinthians, “For we must all appear before the
judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he
has done in the body, whether good or evil.” (2 Corinthians 5:10; cf. Luke
19:17,19)... Even though there will be degrees of reward in heaven,
the joy of each person will be full and complete for eternity. If we think that
those with greater rewards or higher status would be more joyful in heaven, we
are mistaken. For if those with higher status would be more joyful, the
apostles and the heavenly creatures would be more joyful than the others. In a
state of perfection, this disparity does not seem plausible.”1
Similarly, would there be varying degrees of punishment in hell?
J. Warner
Wallace in his article entitled “Are There Different Degrees Of Punishment In
Hell?” writes: “In the next life, some will be punished more than others. There
are clearly degrees of punishment...those who reject the teaching and calling
of God will be harshly punished, while those who have less clarity on what can
be known about God (“the one who did not know it”), will be punished with less
severity... Those who know more are held in a higher degree of
accountability and responsibility. If you know the truth about God and reject
it, you will be punished more than someone who doesn’t yet know better.”2
So yes, just
as there will be varying rewards in heaven, there will also be different degrees of punishment in hell.
If we are
sure of going to heaven, let us strive for a greater reward.
Websites last accessed on 18th August 2022.
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