Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Atheist's Hypocrisy Revealed!


            Belief/faith is present in the lives of both the atheist and the theist. Although an atheist chooses not to believe in God, ‘belief’ is not nonexistent in his life. Interestingly, the Covid pandemic reveals a contradictory feature in the ‘belief’ of an atheist with respect to the evidence.

            The Covid pandemic has motivated us (both the theist and the atheist) to believe in so many facets of life insofar we take enormous risks predicated on those beliefs. Let us consider five important aspects:

1.      Mask: We simply believe that which has been claimed about the mask and we wear it. When we wear masks (N95 or others) we believe it will prevent the coronavirus from entering through the mask. We believe the manufacturer adhered to and has provided 100% quality. At times, when the mask strap loosens or gets cut, we even, desperately, wear a mask bought from the roadside vendor, believing it will do its job. At no point, have we researched or posed a million questions about the quality of the mask.

2.      Sanitizer: Similarly, we believe that which has been claimed about the sanitizer. If the manufacturer claims there is 70% alcohol, we blindly believe and use it. We neither have the time, nor the expertise and tools to find out for ourselves if the sanitizer does have 70% alcohol content.

3.      Healthcare: When we or our loved one is sick, we believe in the healthcare system to enable our recovery. During the pandemic, we did not have the luxury to choose the hospital. We were forced to go to the hospital that had the space for admission and when we did, we believed they will provide the best treatment.

4.      Medicine: Same holds true with medicines. When we take the meds, we believe they will cure us. We do not question the efficacy of the medicines. Often, while being treated in the hospital, we do not have all the information as to whether the medicine can effectively combat the coronavirus. Yet we believe in the medicines.

5.      Vaccine: We believe the syringe contains the vaccine and not saline. We do not question the nurse as to whether there is saline or vaccine in the syringe. Although we do not know much about vaccines, we obey our government and take the vaccines believing that they would prevent us from Coronavirus infection. Simple belief!

            We can go on, but we will stop here.

            So in an effort to save his own mortal life, the atheist (and even the theist) believes in that which is proximal and available. He barely spends time researching and hardly questions the solutions offered to cure him.

            But when it comes to God, wherein his eternal life is involved, the belligerent atheist refuses to accept even the most reasonable evidence offered to him.

            This then is the hypocrisy in the belief system of an atheist.

            During the Covid pandemic, he believes just about everything that’s been offered as a solution to him. But when he or she is challenged to believe in God, they blatantly reject even the most plausible and reasonable evidence.

            Therefore, the atheist primarily believes in the goodness of an imperfect man who is prone to multivarious and a broad spectrum of nefarious practices. It is the imperfect man who manufactures the vaccine, mask, and medicines. Yet, without asking any question, the atheist primarily believes in the product or the treatment offered.

            In contrast, the Christian theist primarily believes in God. God, according to the Christian, holds the key to life and death. When we wear the mask or use the sanitizer or get admitted to the hospital or when we take the vaccine, we primarily believe in God for health and cure.

            There are many atheists who are sincerely seeking God. These atheists are not referred to in this article. The atheist featured in this article is the belligerent one.

            It is our prayer that all atheists would humbly and sincerely seek and believe the one and the only living God. Amen.

Sunday, June 27, 2021

An Open Letter To The Churches In India About The LGBTQ Movement & The Pride Month


Dear Pastor / Church Leaders,

            As you may be aware, we are nearing the end of the ‘Pride Month’ or the ‘Gay Pride Month.’ Every year, during June, the LGBTQ community celebrates ‘Gay Pride’ in several different ways. Although June is coming to a close the LGBTQ community will continue to celebrate ‘Gay Pride’ throughout the year. To make it more alluring, celebrities will endorse these celebrations.

            These celebrations happen in India as well. Various kinds of groups and NGOs have been established in India to help further the LGBTQ cause. Various major cities, from Kashmir to Kanyakumari, conduct ‘Pride Parades.’ The LGBTQ cause is being relentlessly strengthened in India by Social Media, Radio, Television, and the Movie industry.

            If your church subscribes to the doctrines of Historic Christianity, you will affirm the biblical teaching that the LGBTQ ideology is sinful. Hence, you will oppose the practice of LGBTQ ideologies. Thus it is morally incumbent upon you to educate your members to oppose the practice of LGBTQ ideologies, but, at the same time, to love those who practice these sins.

            Young Christians are being devoured by the LGBTQ movement. It’s not only the young ones but the older generation is also enamored by this movement. I have personally experienced situations in Christian families in India wherein parents motivate their children to support the LGBTQ movement.

            To make matters worse, Progressive Churches are actively deceiving Christians teaching that God approves the ideologies of the LGBTQ movement. In essence, the Progressive Churches and the Progressive Christians have rejected the God of the Bible.

            The devil has made great inroads into the minds of Christians in India and elsewhere in the world. It is our bounden duty to break these strongholds.

            Churches should play an active role in shattering the myth that God approves LGBTQ ideology. Churches should instruct their congregation from the Bible as to why LGBTQ practice could lead a Christian to hell.

            To reiterate, if your church subscribes to the Historic Christian doctrines, then you are mandated by God to edify your flock.

            Think about this.

            Have you preached or, at least, mentioned the sinfulness of the LGBTQ movement [this month]?

            Did your church organize seminars, lectures, and retreats to educate her members about the sinfulness of the LGBTQ movement?

            I praise God if you and your congregation are vociferously against the ideologies of the LGBTQ movement. Else, I pray to God that you and your congregation would stand for God, especially in this context.

            The LGBTQ movement is actively deceiving Christians, and it’s time we break this deception in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

            Today, by the grace of God, India has an active group of Christian apologists. Each and every one of them would be available to serve the Church to edify your congregation so as to break the LGBTQ stronghold from the minds of every Christian. I pray you use them to edify your church.

            The ball is in your court...

            May God bless you and your church.

Serving Together,

W.J.F Rajkumar Richard


P.S: In case you need more information please read my blogs debunking the LGBTQ ideology:

·         Does Consensual and Harmless Sexual Intercourse Legitimize Homosexuality? (

·         Consequence of Same Sex Marriages: Disaster (

·         Does God Make People Gay? (Pope Francis At It Again?) (

·         What Do Some Sincere Christians Ignore When They Approve Homosexuality? (

·         What’s Wrong If The Church Marries Gay Couples? (

·         So What If There’s Gay Gene? So What If You Are Born Gay? (

·         Laws Cannot Change Flaws (

·         After Homosexuality, Christian Churches Will Bless Polyamory (

·         Straight Pride; Why Our World Adores The LGBTQ Agenda (

Friday, June 25, 2021

Cult Watch: Should Christians Observe Sabbath, Passover, And Other Jewish Rituals?


            Some Christians observe the Sabbath and the Passover (they do not mandate it on other Christians). Some other Christians do not observe these for they claim that these are no longer applicable to the contemporary Christian. But a few other Christians claim that the Sabbath and the Passover observances are mandatory. What then is right and wrong?

            We are saved by grace through faith (cf. Ephesians 2:8-9). We are not saved by performing good/holy works. This is salvation 101.

            So if a fellow Christian mandates us to observe the Sabbath and the Passover for the sake of salvation, then they are misleading us and they belong to a cult group. Observance of the Sabbath and the Passover plays no role, whatsoever, in gaining salvation. Let’s be clear about this basic fact.

            “Believers are not obligated to observe the Sabbath. The Sabbath was the sign of the Mosaic covenant. The Mosaic covenant and the Sabbath as the covenant sign are no longer applicable now that the new covenant of Jesus Christ has come. Believers are called upon to honor and respect those who think the Sabbath is still mandatory for believers. But if one argues that the Sabbath is required for salvation, such a teaching is contrary to the gospel and should be resisted forcefully. In any case, Paul makes it clear in both Romans 14:5 and Colossians 2:16–17 that the Sabbath has passed away now that Christ has come. It is wise naturally for believers to rest, and hence one principle that could be derived from the Sabbath is that believers should regularly rest. But the New Testament does not specify when that rest should take place, nor does it set forth a period of time when that rest should occur...” says an article entitled Is the Sabbath Still Required for Christians? in The Gospel Coalition website.1

            Should we observe the Sabbath since Jesus observed it? Jesus observed the Sabbath for HE lived under the Old Testament law (cf. Galatians 4:4). But the same Lord Jesus proclaimed that the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath (Mark 2:27). The Gospels also teach us that the Sabbath does not continue to play a significant role in a Christian’s life (cf. Matthew 12:3-4; Mark 2:28; Luke 13:10-17; John 5:17).

            But let us not ridicule our brothers and sisters who celebrate the Old Testament festivals as an act of worship and not as a means to salvation.

            Consider the Passover.

            Some Christians celebrate the Passover, not to gain salvation, but as an act of worshipping the Lord Jesus Christ, “While it is not required for Christians to celebrate the Passover, it is beneficial to study it and could be beneficial to celebrate it if it leads to a greater understanding and appreciation for Christ’s death and resurrection. The Passover is a wonderful picture of Christ’s atonement for His people and His deliverance of us from the bondage of sin. That is something we should celebrate every day of our lives.”2 

            Similarly, it is ok for Christians to celebrate the Old Testament festivals as an act of worship. But it is not ok for Christians to celebrate the Old Testament festivals as a means to their salvation.




Websites last accessed on 25th June 2021.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Cult Watch: The World Mission Society Church of God


            The World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG) is a cult1. Beware!

            These names are also associated with this movement: Mother Jerusalem, New Jerusalem Mother, God the Mother, Heavenly Mother, etc.

            This cult “was established by the Second Coming Christ Ahnsahnghong, in the Republic of Korea, at the ends of the earth in the east, in 1964.”2

            They claim “to have over 3 million members, in nearly 7,500 churches, throughout 175 countries–all within only half a century.”3

            Most of their teachings are heretical. Herein I present three significantly heretical teachings that are dangerous for our soul:

1. They believe that the Second Coming of Christ has already occurred in the personhood of  Christ Ahnsahnghong, “So the First Coming Jesus, who came as the prophetical David, established the new covenant and preached it. In the same way, the Second Coming Christ, who is to come as the prophetical David, should also establish the new covenant and preach it for 37 years.

It is Christ Ahnsahnghong who fulfilled the prophecies of the prophets. Christ Ahnsahnghong, the prophetical David, was born in 1918. At the age of 30, in the year of 1948, He was baptized according to the prophecy of the fig tree. He started His ministry at His age of 30 as the prophetical King David. In 1985, the 37th year, He ascended to heaven. Exactly for 37 years, He preached the New Covenant Passover which is the sign of David.

Christ Ahnsahnghong foretold that He would pass away after preaching for 37 years, four years before His death.”4

2. Salvation, according to WMSCOG, is gained through belief in Christ Ahnsahnghong (the founder of this cult.), “Christ Ahnsahnghong is the Second Coming Christ whom the Bible testifies about, and He is King David we have to seek and fear in the last days. Let us receive salvation by believing in Christ Ahnsahnghong, the spiritual David.”5 Any group that denies salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ cannot be Christian.

3. They also believe that keeping the Passover is essential for salvation, “The New Covenant Passover is the core of the Bible and an essential feast that grants God’s people protection from disasters, the forgiveness of sins and eternal life.... When we celebrate the New Covenant Passover, Christ is in us and we become one body with Christ. Like this, God promises us protection from disasters and eternal life.”6

            To conclude, if you happen to locate this cult in your vicinity, please ignore them or evangelize them if you have the necessary knowledge and spiritual strength.

            If any of your friends are into this cult, please pray for them, and speak the truth to them to liberate them from the clutches of evil.


1“A cult is a perversion, a distortion of historical Christianity and/or a rejection of the historic teachings of the Christian church, says Josh McDowell. He also cites Walter Martin’s (a Baptist minister and a counter-cultist) definition of a cult: A cult, then, is a group of people polarized around someone’s interpretation of the Bible and is characterized by major deviations from orthodox Christianity relative to the cardinal doctrines of the Christian faith, particularly the fact that God became man in Jesus Christ. 1” (






Websites last accessed on 23rd June 2021.